  1. On This Day….13th March
  2. On This Day….12th March
  3. On This Day….11th March
  4. Hunslet need to learn lessons quickly
  5. On This Day….10th March

Supporter ‘Code of Conduct’

  • We look forward to welcoming you back in line with Government guidance on the admission of spectators. This Code of Conduct acts to principally guide and advise ticket holders of the protocols in place on any match day.
  • The Club has in place a range of processes to ensure the safety of all entering on any match day, however it is vitally important that all attendees play their part in making it safe and enjoyable and to do so we need your full cooperation.
  • You are therefore kindly reminded of the requirement to adhere to this Code of Conduct at all times, and follow all safety requirements, in order to assist Club staff, stewards and volunteers, and to help protect you and your fellow spectators.
  • You are reminded if purchasing tickets on behalf of others, they are also required to provide their names and contact details for each individual ticket holder. Tickets must not be passed on to anyone else.
  • You must not attend if suffering from COVID-19 symptoms, are feeling unwell, or if you’ve been in close contact recently with anyone experiencing symptoms or who has tested positive. In the event you develop COVID-19 symptoms whilst at the Stadium, please notify the nearest member of Club staff or a steward immediately.
  • Plan your journey in advance and arrive at the stadium in plenty of time – check any advice of arrival times expected for you, which is issued at the time of purchasing your ticket(s).
  • Additional stadium entry procedures will be in place, such as temperature testing and the use of the NHS App with the stadium QR Code. On arrival at the ground please be aware that social distancing and other safety measures will be in operation. Follow all Club signage, instructions and guidance issued by stewards and/or Club personnel.
  • It is Club policy that all entering must wear a face cover when entering and exiting the Stadium. Face covers (masks or visors) may be removed whilst eating or drinking.
  • Avoid bringing large bags into the stadium and only do so if absolutely necessary, to avoid slowing down the stadium entry process.
  • When purchasing your ticket(s) this will only be done by card/electronic, there will be no cash on the day.
  • At all times please observe social distancing and avoid close contact with others not in your social bubble. Upon entering the stadium please pay close attention to signage, floor markings and instructions issued by stewards or via the club’s PA system, this will help get you where you need to be in the most efficient way.
  • When using toilet facilities, please follow all guidance. Be patient and considerate towards other users, and wait your turn to avoid toilets areas becoming crowded. Where possible, try to avoid peak times (such as half-time and the end of the game). Maintain good hand hygiene at all times around the stadium – use the sanitiser dispensers provided and avoid touching your face, or handles and railings whenever possible.  Please remain in your seat location for the full game if possible – including at half time, and avoid unnecessary movement. If you need to move, wait until gangways are clear, avoid face to face contact, passing people back to back where possible, and follow stewards. Disabled toilet facilities are on the ground floor through the middle doors.
  • We all hope we’ll be celebrating scoring points but please remember to maintain safe distances to other supporters not in your social bubble, and be respectful and mindful to those around you whose individual circumstances may differ from your own.
  • Please return a match ball if it is kicked out of play and into where you are watching the match on to the track. A member of Club staff will collect the ball in order to sanitise it and return it to the field of play.
  • Do not approach any of the Club’s or visiting Club’s players or coaching staff at any time, as players and staff will not be able to sign autographs or pose for photographs.
  • Please be ultra patient when leaving the stadium and listen to the advice from stewards. In most cases you will only be permitted to leave upon the direction of a steward to ensure staggered exits across the stadium footprint and thus mitigate any risk. It will take longer than normal to leave due to these procedures.
  • The Club reserves the right to eject any supporter that fails to comply with this Code of Conduct and reminds you the stadium capacities under which we can operate to allow spectators to return may ultimately be negatively impacted as a result of any safety issues.

Thank you for your support and cooperation. Stay alert. Stay Safe. Help us all – your fellow fans, your club, your sport, your community.

Socially distanced spectator capacities

STAND – Seating for the game will depend on the size of the party with Two seats left between each party in a row.  Seating will only be allowed in alternate rows.




_ = seat   x = Person