  1. On This Day….15th February
  2. Hunslet bolster squad ahead of Barrow opener
  3. On This Day….14th February
  4. On This Day….13th February
  5. Hunslet land Fishwick on loan

Patron Membership

The Patron memberships give you the flexibility to to choose a monthly amount that suits you. Packages range from £5pm to £15pm . So whatever your circumstances we believe there will be something for you.

Monthly Price

£5 £10 £15

Benefits Include

  • One Share, One Vote’ – (members aged 16 and over eligible to vote in elections)
  • Eligible to stand for election onto the HIST Board (members aged 18 and over eligible to stand for election)
  • Entry to HIST members only meetings
  • Free Phoenix Room Hire

Click here to join up today