  1. Muir names squad for Workington clash
  2. Hunslet prepare for big weekend
  3. Hunslet attend North v South Player Development Series launch
  4. Supporters Meeting
  5. Hunslet’s second wind slams Crusaders

Patron Membership

The Patron memberships give you the flexibility to to choose a monthly amount that suits you. Packages range from £5pm to £15pm . So whatever your circumstances we believe there will be something for you.

Monthly Price

£5 £10 £15

Benefits Include

  • One Share, One Vote’ – (members aged 16 and over eligible to vote in elections)
  • Eligible to stand for election onto the HIST Board (members aged 18 and over eligible to stand for election)
  • Entry to HIST members only meetings
  • Free Phoenix Room Hire

Click here to join up today